About Us

CapeTourism.com offers a range of travel resources and information, all in one place. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, recommendations, or insider tips, we’ve got you covered with our expert advice and reviews. From beach destinations to exciting city getaways, our website features an extensive collection of travel information to help you plan the perfect trip.

Our website features an extensive database of destinations, including off-the-beaten-path locations, and tips on local attractions, accommodations, and cuisine. So why wait? Start exploring with us today!

Capetourism.com is no way affiliated with the website capetown.travel or the marketing company Cape Town Tourism.

Meet the Team

Patrick M
Managing Director

Mikhaila W
Content Director


StJohn M

Milany Q
Content Editor

Letitia de L
Account Manager

Enver L
Account Manager

Ray R
Graphic Design Lead

Rekha D
Advertising & SEO Specialist

Deepak C
Web Development Lead